


Whether you’re looking for sh*t hot content, scroll-stopping ads or something more permanent, I’ve got you covered. Paired with knowledge of best practice, I aim for engaging visuals that are not only eye-catching but technically sound.

Man in a plaid shirt, designing on a computer.
Man in a plaid shirt, designing on a computer.


Editing &

Focusing primarily on pre/post production, I’m no stranger to an editing studio. A dab-hand with retouching and colour-correction, I get a kick out of a fine polish. I’m also no stranger to candid camerawork.

A self-portrait using a DSLR camera in a mirror.
A self-portrait using a DSLR camera in a mirror.



Putting that Journalism degree to good use, I truly do love writing. Working in-tandem with my visual skill set, copy is something that comes quick and naturally to me. There’s nothing more rewarding than some witty wordplay.

An open laptop and cup of coffee, with the word Wonderland as the desktop background.
An open laptop and cup of coffee, with the word Wonderland as the desktop background.


Strategy &

Alright, I’ll confess: underneath the ‘fun stuff’ I’m a strategist at heart. I have a logical brain, love frameworks and truly believe you have to lay solid foundations before building anything. Hit me up for…

A vintage filament lightbulb, representing strategy.
A vintage filament lightbulb, representing strategy.


A little
more info

My ‘bread and butter’ is social and digital content – in particular, multimedia content calendars and paid advertising. This is supported by experience in print and artworking, plus more ‘permanent’ digital projects like web content.

I’m based just outside of Edinburgh on the sunny shores of Musselburgh. I also spend some of my time in Utrecht in the Netherlands.

If you’re an agency or company based in or around Edinburgh, I’d be keen to hot-desk or join for meetings (where appropriate). Ditto for when I’m over in NL. Besides, it’s easier to make terrible jokes in real life.

Great question! In its most concise form, I’m a great ‘overflow’ resource. Why go to multiple freelancers when you can streamline with a multimedia creative? Paired with experience in project management and strategy, I aim to be your friendly neighbourhood go-to. 

Having worked with ambitious SME clients over the years, I’ve learned two things: the vision is big but the cashflow might not be *quite* there yet. That’s where my cross-disciplinary skills come in handy. Keep your overheads lower with an honorary team member, streamlining content to keep costs down. 

Generally I try to book work in a few weeks in advance. I’m an avid resource-planner (and time tracker!), so will aim to ensure my own traffic management matches yours. A thorough brief = a solid estimate = clear hours = predictable turnaround. I like to be a safe pair of hands.

To keep a good work/life balance, I tend to follow “Dolly Parton” rules – a flexible 09:00-17:00 during weekdays tends to work best (for both sides). Happy to discuss this of course.

Payment terms will depend on the project. I am happy to negotiate this based on client’s payment schedules – usually 7, 14 or 30 day periods. If it is a long project, I may also ask for an instalment upfront.

I sure do! Head on over to my About page for those.


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