Channel 4:

Industry-savvy B2B content

4Sales is a division of Channel 4 dedicated to keeping the television and advertising industry on top of audience trends and programme updates across TV, VOD & Social. Me? Well, I just so happened to guest-star on their Linkedin copy…

Client: Channel 4

Services: Copywriting, content management

Agency: Digitaloft, Employed (link)

Year: 2022

Three posts from Linkedin with long-form copy. The first post is about a TV programme, the second is about a Google ad with a same-sex kiss as the image, the third uses a Gogglebox image to represent TV stats.

This just in:
reactive content

The nature of this client meant that content was prepared 1-2 weeks in advance with reactive content throughout. Each post varied wildly in context, meaning each post was an exercise of research and problem-solving for conciseness. And, of course, their recognisable TOV.

A screenshot of a social media post saying: We make it our business to know our viewers inside and out, so we can help you talk to them effectively. Sign up to the 4Sales newsletter now for audience insights, case studies, news and all things Channel 4. Don't miss a ping: Link. Below, there is photo of a young black man looking at his phone, with a CTA.
A screenshot of a social media post saying: We're not done giving praise where it's due! Last month, Channel 4 was proud to award Vanish as the winner of the prestigious £1 million Diversity In Advertising Award 2022. In partnership with Ambitious about Autism, the brand responded with a powerful and moving idea to help girls be seen as part of the broader public understanding of autism. Below, there is the opening frame of a video showcasing the ad.
A screenshot of a social media post saying: Hey, we see you. Scrolling on Linkedin for a little inspo – don't worry, we've got tonnes of lightbulb moments. From our recent Gogglebox partnership to last month's ad break takeover, we've got campaigns aplenty. Find your eureka moment: Link. Below, there is an image of a young nonbinary teen with a CTA.


I played the dual role of copywriter and account manager here, with content and ads being scheduled by a social media manager. I would later train a junior copywriter to inherit the content going forward.

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