Edinburgh Leisure

Find your feel good

Edinburgh Leisure is a council-funded fitness provider, with over 30 venues and 5 million customers visits per year. I had the pleasure of working on their account for 4+ years as designer/editor. The project below was the key visual for a campaign built around a new strapline.

Client: Edinburgh Leisure

Services: Video editing

Video agency: Story (link)

Social agency: Sunshine, Employed (link)

Year: 2020

A mobile mockup, showing two vertical cuts of the Find Your Feel Good video. There is also a before-and-after image of the green screen elements next to it.

It ain't easy being green

When I look at the before/after shots (above), I’m always reminded of the power of editing. The footage required a high-level of colour grading, chroma keying and masking, plus elements of motion graphics for the text. 


This was a joint effort between Sunshine (the client's social agency) and Story (the client's branding agency). The latter filmed it and supplied the footage for us to edit and use across social content and ads.


The final video was reformatted for use across digital platforms, including: landscape (16x9), square (1x1), portrait (4x5) and vertical (9x16). Elements were also used for end cards and short-form engagement videos.


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When In Rome Wine

You know what they say: when in Rome, do as the Romans do. And in this case, it was using witty copy to encourage new consumers to join the #BoxWineRevolution.


Channel 4 (4Sales)

A social media brief that was primarily reactive in nature, I lent my copywriting skills for the Channel 4’s 4Sales Linkedin page.

Strategy & Training

Denholm Associates

A multimedia creative workshop for top-tier talent agency, Denholm Associates. Included Adobe training, social strategy and more.