
Product shots & cutouts

Harviestoun Brewery is a craft brewery based in Alva, Scotland. The client required some last minute product photography and cutouts for 36x new product listings. The challenge? It was a tight budget and tight turnaround. Thankfully, I knew my editing skills could carry us through.

Client: Harviestoun Brewery

Services: Photography, retouching

Agency: LUX, Employed (link)

Year: 2016

Product shots two Harviestoun six-packs of beer.

A little smoke, mirrors and Photoshop magic

Product photography is a specialism. Thankfully, so is problem-solving. While an expert would achieve similar results via lighting and setup, the project required some workarounds via editing.

I met the brief using a table-top lightbox, DSLR and heavy Photoshop retouching. In addition to lighting and colour grading, there was heavy retouching to ensure consistency on position/angle, whilst removing any blemishes and reflections. 

A photo of a camera taking a shot of beer, shown in the viewfinder and out of focus.
Product shot of a Harviestoun beer tap.
Product shot of a Harviestoun wooly hat.
Product shot of a Harviestoun beer mat.


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