Bare Productions
Exploring new kinks with two logo developments for Bare Production’s rendition of the iconic musical.
NKBL is a youth-focused charity that aims to reduce youth violence in Scotland. With limited budget and assets, the brief required some creative workarounds to target hard-to-reach Millennial and Gen-Z audiences on both Instagram and TikTok.
Client: No Knives Better Lives
Services: Design, retouching, video
Agency: Sunshine, Employed (link)
Year: 2018-2022
A small team with big ambitions, NKBL did not have a library of assets at its disposal. That’s where retouching and art direction came into play – reworking free stock imagery into content that was on message (and on brand!). Use the sliders below to peep the before and afters.
In addition to delivering a carefully crafted Instagram feed, the NKBL campaign benefited from ‘real’ images of young Scots – through a careful mix of stock image art direction and a single image bank.
Interactive stories were also include, putting the target audience in the ‘bystander’ position, having to make their own choices.
Responding to where the youth demographic were browsing, later briefs sought to capitalise on the popularity of vertical video. In turn, I prepared a series of ads for Stories and TikTok, including editing and copy. Check out some of the videos below!
This was another client assigned to me whilst I was at Sunshine, the social media agency. I worked with an account manager, copywriter and social media team split between strategy and community management.
Exploring new kinks with two logo developments for Bare Production’s rendition of the iconic musical.
Make it Scotch is the consumer-facing brand for Scotch Beef & Lamb plus Specially Selected Pork. I contributed to the social content for many years, including the Field Cred campaign – as designer, video editor and occasional copywriter.
A series of product shots for Harviestoun Brewery, balancing out studio limitations with top-tier editing and retouching.